Send a message to all Labour leader and deputy leader candidates who have not yet responded to our questions about free movement. (See the questions and responses so far.)
At Labour Party Conference 2019, delegates voted overwhelmingly to support a motion that would see our party campaign to defend and extend free movement, close all immigration detention centres, end the hostile environment, give all migrants resident in the UK full voting rights, and ensure the unconditional right to family reunion. The Labour Campaign for Free Movement has written to all leadership and deputy leadership candidates asking for their views on each of these policies, however I haven’t yet seen any direct response from you about this. I note Keir Starmer, Angela Rayner, Rosena Allin-Khan, Ian Murray, Dawn Butler and Lisa Nandy have all replied and I am really interested in your thoughts. As Boris Johnson’s right-wing government clamps down further on migrant, refugee and asylum seeker rights, it is even more important now that our party unites around a positive, radical immigration agenda, that would transform the UK’s immigration system into one that ensures dignity and justice for those being arbitrarily attacked on the basis of their nationality. I hope that you can respond to the questions as soon as you are able to, as I will be basing my vote on the outcome of your response. For your reference the questions can also be found here: Comradely,
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