Campaigners to protest Labour conference in response to “disgraceful” migrant plans

Posted: 21 August 2024

Yvette Cooper and Keir Starmer

Labour members have slammed the government’s plans to ramp up deportation and detention of migrants.

In an announcement released today, Yvette Cooper has pledged to increase immigration detention capacity at Haslar and Campsfield immigration removal centres; increase the number of deportations; and to target migrant workers.

The Labour Campaign for Free Movement, which has organised Labour members in support of migrants’ rights and has achieved changes in party policy in recent years, slammed the announcement as “a sop to the far right”.

It is calling on supporters to submit a model motion to Labour conference, and has now called a protest outside. It will take place on Sunday 22nd September at 1pm.

Sacha Marten, a spokesperson for the Labour Campaign for Free Movement, said: 

“Yvette Cooper’s call to lock up and deport more migrants is a disgraceful and cruel way to approach the issue of border policy.

“This is a sop to the far right. Just weeks after the far right ran riot around Britain’s towns and cities, targeting mosques and hotels housing asylum seekers, a Labour government is giving them what they want – crueller, nastier measures aimed at migrants.

“It’s Tory austerity and big business who have driven down wages, wrecked communities and driven our public services into the ground – not migrants. Labour must tell the truth and offer hope, not pander to lies and hatred.

“We hope that all Labour members able to do so will join our protest outside Labour conference on Sunday 22nd September at 1pm.”



1. Our model motion to conference can be seen here: