Put migrants’ rights on the agenda at Labour Conference 2024

Posted: 9 July 2024

The Tories gave the UK one of the nastiest border regimes in Europe, and Labour has so far failed to combat this agenda. At Labour Party conference 2024, Labour Party members have an opportunity to turn the tide.

To make that happen, we need as many constituency parties (CLPs) to submit the Contemporary Motion below to conference.

“Contemporary motions” must reference an issue that has come up since 5th July 2024 and cannot revisit a decision of the last National Policy Forum report. There is a word limit of 250 words, and each CLP can only submit one motion.

They must be passed through CLPs and submitted by 5pm on 12th September. For many CLPs, this means submitting it in time for the July meeting.

There are 3 ways to get your CLP to submit it:

If you need help with the motion, please get in touch at info@labourfreemovement.org


For a fair and humane immigration policy 

Conference notes the government’s commitment, outlined in the King’s Speech on 17th July, to introduce a Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill; a Migration Advisory Committee report on 16th July which highlighted exploitation of Seasonal Workers; and reports on 15th July of protests by refugees living on the Bibby Stockholm.

The Tories gave the UK an inhumane, regressive border regime, seeking to scapegoat migrants for the misery caused by austerity and deregulation. Restricting migrant rights makes people more precarious, undermining all workers’ power to push back against exploitation.

The 2023 NPF report commits Labour to conduct “a full review of the “hostile environment”. In reviewing the Hostile Environment, Labour must begin by reversing the legacy of Tory cruelty. This means going further than the King’s Speech.

Before conference 2025, Labour will:

Before the next general election, Labour will: