Unite members stand up for free movement after Gen Sec’s comments
Posted: 5 December 2018

As Unite members, we are concerned by recent reports that our union General Secretary, Len McCluskey, has privately told Labour MPs that we – his members – want them to vote for a Brexit that clamps down on immigration.
We are proud members of a diverse union that brings together workers of all origins to fight for our common interest. As Labour Party conference voted in September: “stagnant wages, crumbling services and the housing crisis are being exacerbated by the government and employers making the rich richer at working people’s expense, and not immigration.” The idea that free movement depresses wages or drives unemployment is a right-wing lie, disproven by the evidence and designed to set workers against one another. As trade unionists, we recognise when xenophobic sentiment is fuelled to divide us, and we expect our General Secretary to reject such harmful rhetoric and stand up for the rank and file members, many of whom are those same migrants!
Clamping down on our freedom to move, live and work across borders will not solve any of the problems we face, which are down to exploitative employers and the right-wing politicians who serve them. In truth, by leaving migrant workers precarious and at the mercy of unscrupulous bosses, it is anti-migrant policies that threaten to undermine all of us. Our union should work to tear down anti-migrant policies, not to build more.
We call on our General Secretary to clarify whether the reports of his comments are accurate. If so, we call on him to withdraw them and instead to stand up for defending and extending free movement and the rights of all his members.
- Alena Ivanova, Unite branch LE524
- Cllr Joshua Bennett Lovell, Beds and Herts Unite, Labour County Councillor
- Dave Kirk, Unite branch NE204/4 (Npower)
- Ana Oppenheim, Unite branch LE524, Labour Campaign for Free Movement
- Lee Griffiths, Unite Community Tower Hamlets; Secretary, Bethnal Green & Bow Labour Party
- Michael Chessum, Unite branch 524
- Bruce Robinson, Greater Manchester Unite Community
- Sabrina Huck, Unite, Tooting CLP
- Ian Allinson, Greater Manchester Unite Community, Member of Greater Manchester Area Activists Committee and delegate to Manchester TUC
- John Wood, NW/55 Fujitsu NW Branch, Branch Sec/Treasurer
- Cllr Bex White, Unite Community Tower Hamlets, LB Tower Hamlets Councillor
- Ilse Mogensen, Unite branch LE/7212
- Nick Dearden, Unite branch Acts
- Liam McNulty, Unite branch LE 524
- Catherine Leech, Unite Community Tower Hamlets
- Sandy Paul, Unite Community Tower Hamlets, Labour Party member
- Steven Carver, Unite Community Tower Hamlets
- Jill Mountford, Unite branch LE/0694M
- Pete Radcliff, Unite Community Nottingham Campaigns Officer
- Ruben de Dios Armesto, Unite Community Tower Hamlets
- Ian Townson, Secretary of Lambeth & Southwark Unite Community
- Paul Sceeny, Clerkenwell & St Pancras LE/0694M, Workplace rep, City & Guilds Group
- Barnaby Marder, Unite branch LE/7337L, Vice-Chair of Richmond Borough Labour Party LCF
- Joan Twelves, Unite branch LE/00013, Treasurer Lambeth & Southwark Unite Community, EC member Vauxhall CLP
- Lesley Boulton, Unite branch NE/COM/8
- Frazer Stanko, Unite branch NG100C
- Tracey Thatcher, Shrewsbury Unite Community, Labour party member
- Chris Roche, Unite branch LE/372, Exeter CLP
- Liz McShane, Unite, Tottenham CLP GC delegate
- Eloise Harris, Unite Community Tower Hamlets & First Year Officer for QMUL Labour Society
- Malcolm Bell, Unite South Wales
- Andy Hewett, Unite branch WA/B1048, Cardiff West CLP
- Scott Howie, Unite branch SE/6153 & TULO, Maidstone & The Weald CLP
- Kristian Ravnkilde, Nottingham Unite Community, Labour Party branch political education officer
- Sheila Ravnkilde, Nottingham Unite Community, Labour Party branch political education officer
- Jules Morrison, Unite branch Barclays
- Jessica Leschnikoff, Unite Maidstone, Maidstone & the Weald CLP
- Nicola Quinn, Unite Community Tower Hamlets
- Christine Rimmer, Unite Community
- Richard Atkinson, Ellesmere Port Unite Community
- Jim Denham, Unite branch WM/7025, Unite delegate to Selly Oak CLP
- William Conway, Nottingham Unite Community
- Simon Radford, Tower Hamlets Unite Community, Bethnal Green and Bow CLP Technology Coordinator
- Sue Mew, Unite Clerkenwell & St Pancras, Walthamstow CLP
- David Jacques, Liverpool Unite Community
- James Craigie, Devon Area Unite Community Branch, Branch Secretary and member of the Labour and Cooperative Parties
- Ralph Olsson, Unite
- Ron Graves, Peterborough Unite Community
- Louise Calton, Unite
- Joseph Healy, Unite branch LE/785, Member L&E LGBT Committee and L&E Not for Profit RISC committee
- Lesley Boulton, Unite branch NE/COM/8
- Ben McConaghy, Unite branch Wirral Local Authority, Labour Party
- Pauline Baseley, Unite branch Camden
- Katharine Shaw Nelson, Unite
- James O’Nions, Unite branch, LE524
- Yousef Sasha Mottaghi-Taromsari, Unite London & East, Tottenham CLP
- Graham Martin, Unite branch NE/COM/5
- David Rosenberg, Unite Community Islington,
- Antoinette Paphides, Unite Croydon & Bromley, Labour Party & Momentum member
- Guy Taylor, Unite branch L&E 524, shop steward
- Conor Sewell, Unite branch LE/LS50, Sevenoaks CLP
- Mark Findlay, Unite, Brighton Pavilion Labour Party
- Andrew Coates, Unite branch LE/1860 Chair
- Roland Rance, Unite Community East London
- Roger Huddle, Unite Community East London,
- Martin Goodsell, Unite Community East London
- Jeff Gallant, North London, retired members
- Mike Williamson, Unite branch LE127
- Ian Day, Unite Community East London
- Nadia Amara, Unite Community East London
- Michael Wongsam, Unite branch WM/5114
- Kieran Miles, Unite branch LE/7337L
- Jane Kelly, Unite South London (retired)
- Tony Thomas, Unite East London, Walthamstow CLP GC member
- Karel Schling, Unite branch LE/00015,
- Simon Hales, Unite branch WM/6140, Green Party
- Ruth Milsom, Unite branch NE/COM/8, Sheffield Hallam CLP
- John Arthey, Unite branch LE/450, Labour Party Campaign Officer for Brixton Hill
- Andrew Coates, Unite shop steward, London
- Colin Walker, Unite Chesterfield CMA , East Midlands GPMIT RISC
- Vivienne Windle, Unite branch SE/100R7
- Gill Spencer, Unite London & East
- Joe Rooney, Unite branch LE/127, Branch Chair (pc)
- Amy Clarke, Unite Durham
- Sarah Kerton, Unite branch LE 524
- Joel Hirsch, Unite Community East London, Education
- Hannah Sketchley, Unite branch LE524
- Adrian Giblett, Unite
- Ruth Mather, Unite Community
- Mick Phythian, Unite branch NE/COM/11
- Lee Greenwood, Unite Islington
- Kerry McCranor, Unite Gatwick branch
- Brian Clayton McCranor, Unite branch SE6105
- Thomas Wintrell, Unite branch SE/6124
- Andrea Renkel, Unite Manchester
- Nathanael Rouillard, Unite branch WM/5105
- John Gaskell, Unite South East (Bracknell), Chair SW Surrey branch European Movement
- Rebecca Tonks, Unite branch NE/100/11
- Jean Blaylock, Unite branch LE 524
- Adam Johannes, Cardiff & Vale Unite Community Vice-Chair
- Scott Macdonald, Unite Holding branch, Scotland; Social Media Organiser, Scottish Socialist Party
- Robin Sivapalan, Brent Unite Community /00020, Branch Secretary (pc)
- Robert Sutton, Unite branch LE/UG032, Croydon North Labour Party
- Tom Franklin, Unite branch NE/COM/11
- Alistair Davidson, Unite GPM&IT, Glasgow, SNP Maryhill
- Dave Sherry, Unite branch Glasgow Retired Members SC164
- Nik Barstow, Unite branch NW/389, Secretary, Trafford TUC
- Barry Woodling, Greater Manchester Unite Community
- Peter Foster, Unite branch Edinburgh Retired Members
- Christopher Andrews, Unite branch WM/6150
- Ben Procter, Unite branch SC/600/11, Chair (Eastwood Constituency Labour Party), Scotland Representative (Open Labour National Committee)
- Robert Dimmick, Unite Reading (retired), Former Unite rep at Fujitsu
- Alex Fernandes, Unite branch LE/7064E
- Cllr Silvana Kelleher , Unite Greenwich, Lewisham & Bexley, Labour Councillor
- Don Flynn, Greenwich, Lewisham & Bexley Unite Community, Delegate to Greenwich & Woolwich CLP
- Lynn Morris, South East Region Unite, Open Labour National Committee Member
- Josh Berlyne, University of Sheffield Unite branch, workplace rep
- Richard Cardall, Unite
- Jacob Armstrong, NEYH Unite Community
- James McKevitt, Unite branch SE/100C1
- Charlie Porter, Unite Sheffield Uni branch
- Jonathan Davies, Unite Liverpool
- Tim Cooper, Nottingham Unite Community
- Barry Woodling, Greater Manchester Unite Communiuty
- Mark Rowland, Unite branch LE/0631M, Labour party member
- David Cockcroft, Unite branch, NE/405/28
- Cllr Aisling Gallagher, Unite branch LE524, Labour Party Councillor for Lewisham Central
- Gavin Edwards, Unite Community Walthamstow
- Stephanie Greig, Tower Hamlets Unite Community
- Andrew “Ozzy” Osborne, Unite South Cambs Engineering & Manufacturing LE/7355E, Chair Unite London & Eastern Engineering, Manufacturing and Steel Regional Industrial Sector Committee
- Erin Donovan, Unite branch NE/408/28
- Daniel Willis, Unite branch LE/1148, Mitcham & Morden CLP
- Adele Cain, Unite University of York branch
- Pete Campbell, Doctors in Unite
- Sue Horan, Unite Brighton & Hove
- Keith Baldassara, Unite Housing Branch, Rep
- Antony Shephard, Unite North East YH
- Cameron Stocks, Unite MPU
- Craig Lewis, Unite Community Glasgow
- Conor Muller, Unite branch NE/COM/11 (York)
- Gracjan Deresz, Unite Leicester, IWW Union
- Joe Kearsey, Unite branch LE 1647
- Akilah Akinola, Unite Manchester
- Katia Widlak, Unite Acts branch, Steward
- Susan Bowie, Medical Practitioners Union Unite branch
- Sue Sparks, Unite branch, LE524
- Gabriela Salva Macallan, Unite branch LE524, Bethnal Green & Bow Labour Party
- Cllr Doug James, Unite branch WM/5115
- Joff Leader, Unite Community
- Roderick Cobley, Unite branch LE 1111
- Clare Fermont, Unite Community Hackney
- Michael Tucker, Unite West Midlands (retired)
- Adam Di Chiara, Unite GPMU National, H&S / Workplace Rep
- Ben Kinross, Unite
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