Tell your MP to campaign for free movement

Posted: 29 January 2019

Following last night’s second reading of the Tory Immigration Bill, we are calling on all Labour MPs to oppose it in its entirety and speak out in defence of free movement.

If you live in a Labour constituency, contact your MP today and tell them to join our campaign. You can find your MP’s email using this tool and you can use our model email below – feel free to add a personal touch, for instance, your personal reasons for supporting free movement. And see our article here for more actions you can take.

Dear _______________ MP,

I am a [Labour Party member/activist/supporter/ and/or ___ union member/activist] in [Constituency] and I am writing to you following the second reading of the Immigration Bill, and in advance of the Bill’s final reading. I would like to ask you to vote down the Bill and make the case to defend freedom of movement.

I believe Labour is the party of all working people, regardless where they were born. Our movement has a proud history of fighting racism and standing up to anti-migrant rhetoric. By ending freedom of movement and giving the government more power to curtail migrant rights, this Bill is – at its very core – racist, and anti-worker. Replacing free movement with a visa system will disproportionately impact low-paid migrants, leaving them worse off, with fewer rights and less able to organise in the workplace to fight exploitation. To not oppose this Bill outright cedes ground to the argument made by the right that migrants are to blame for society’s ills – rather than exploitative employers and years of Tory austerity.

Therefore, I’m asking you as a Labour MP to proudly stand with us against Tory attack on migrants, in defence of the free movement of people and levelling up of migrant rights. Over 3000 Labour members and supporters, including some of your parliamentary colleagues, have already signed up to the Labour Campaign for Free Movement. I would appreciate if you could add your name to the statement and join the campaign, taking a principled stance in solidarity with all workers.

[Your name, local Labour Party, trade union branch and address]