Posted: 20 September 2019
For Labour Conference 2019, we’ve put together a magazine covering some key issues and news from the campaign. Get your copy free at #Lab19 – and if you agree, help us at conference to spread the word and win a radical pro-migrant, pro-worker, internationalist socialist policy for Labour. Volunteer by contacting 07895405312!
Articles include:
Clive Lewis: Labour must fight for free movement at the next election
Free movement mythbuster
Migrants don’t drive down wages
Border policies: a union-busting weapon for tube cleaners’ bosses
Social security for everyone! Abolish No Recourse to Public Funds
End the Hostile Environment in Labour councils
Climate change has no borders
Racism in the NHS
Feminism and migrants’ rights at the centre
Decrim Now!
As an immigrant, I should be given the vote
Migrants in, Tories out! Report from our #StopTheCoup protest
A General Election is coming…
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